lördag 21 augusti 2004

NEWS from the NORDIC HOMO COUNCIL 4th cultural session - Vaasa, August 21, 2004

(plus e-mail proposals and contributions from those who could not attend))


* To continue supporting such Nordic projects as the Nordic Queer Film Festivals. (the 2nd festival in Stockholm 2004 united film festival
organizers from Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden.) In co-operation with Folkets Bio, Kombat and Norden i Fokus information
office in Stockholm.

* To support the "Honored to Silence, Honored to Death" Nordic conference in Stockholm October 15-16, 2004 and Gothenberg October 23 about young homosexuals in the immigrant/refugee communiteis in the Nordic region. With Norden i Fokus.

* To hold a NHC multi-media seminar at Finland's Tampere Pride in 2005 and at the Oslo Europride in June, 2005.

* To send a Nordic delegation to Jerusalem World Pride, 2005.

* To send a Nordic delegation to the Nordic House homo cultural evening as part of the 2nd Krakow Cultural Days -- May, 2005. (The event in May, 2004 was attacked but not defeated by neo Nazis gangs). (The Swedish Embassy has pledged to continue supporting the event. Other Nordic embassies*.?)

* To increase Nordic participation in the annual Moonbow Human Rights & Homo Culture Festivals on both sides of the Baltic Sea: St.
Petersburg-Stockholm-Warsaw-Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius. Minsk -- "Moonbow in Exile" planned because of the threats from the dictatorship and neo Nazis. See press releases).

* To make special fund-raising efforts for Iceland (because of the high travel costs) and for Estonia, Lativa, & Lithuania to increase these
nation's input into homo festivals, prides and other events on both sides of the Baltic Sea. (Tallink Ferry Lines has already responded

New Members Welcomed; Nordic Awards to Finnish/Swedish Bears, U.S. Singer

New Nordic Homo Council members formally welcomed at the session include Homosexual Socialists - Sweden, Laihia Bears - Vaasa, Finland, the Stockholm-based news agency, NEWSMIX, and HumanAid - Gothenberg/ Stockholm. Nordic membership drive is to continue.

The 2004 Nordic award, "Arco Nordica," for Nordic/international and homo cultural solidarity from the ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay
Cultural Network) - Nordic, was handed over to the Laihia Bears the day before the Vaasa session in an art-and-music-filled ceremony in the forest outside of Waasa. The 2004 award is shared with the Stockholm-based Viking Bears.

The ILGCN-Nordic - "Arco Musica" award - was presented to American singer and musician, Doria Roberts, during the Moonbow Festival in
Stockholm, August 1st.

Bill Schiller, NHC international secretary

Note: The Nordic Homo Council is a member of the ILGA and the ILGCN.