Supported by Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency‘s Baltic Sea Unit – Visby
www.tupilak.org info@tupilak.org
Rainbow presentationsNordic rainbow cultural workers ………………………….….
www.tupilak.org info@tupilak.org
at the Gothenburg Book Fair
Thursday, September 27
17.40-18.00 Erkki Otsman, Estonian cabaret artist (large stage)
Rainbow Mingle at Nordic Rainbow Council/Tupilak Stand 18.00- 19.30
Music and poetry: Oyvind Rauset + 1 (Norway),
dekon/rekon - book-burning group (bokbrännargrupp) (Sweden).
Friday , September 28
15.00- 15.20 Rainbows banned in School Rooms (large stage)
17. 20-17.40 Rainbow Battles in the Baltic (large stage)
Saturday, September 29
14.40–15.00 Rainbows knocking at UN Doors (large stage)
17.00-17.30 Rainbows in Muzzles (little stage)

Museum of World Culture (10.00-12.00)
Thursday, September 27:
“Spotlights on Lithuania and Poland”
Friday, September 28:
“Spotlights on Estonia and Latvia”
Saturday, Sept. 29:
“Over the Baltic Rainbow – the yellow, brick road to solidarity”
“Swedish Pol-Balt Network – the path so far, future plans”
Sunday, September 30:
“Rainbow Humanism – challenging religious dragons”
”Culture vs. Rainbow Politics – allies or adversaries?”
“Nordic/Baltic Co-operation with Belarus, Russia”
ILGCN/Tupilak Travelling Art & Photo Exhibition
ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network)
Information Secretariat - Stockholm www.ilgcn.tupilak.org