söndag 19 december 2010

Calling Nordic Rainbow Humanists

Nordic Rainbow Humanists

C/O Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers) http://www.tupilak.org/ , ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) Information Secretariat - Stockholm http://www.ilgcn.tupilak.org/ and the Nordic Rainbow Council.

CALLING NORDIC RAINBOW HUMANISTS      December 16, 2010      Stockholm

Greetings! The latest information….

1. Nordic Rainbow Humanist Award winner 2010!!??? Suggestions, recommendations as quickly as

(Earlier awards have gone to humanists in Britain, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Romania (which helped launch the Romanian Humanist organization!), Nigeria. Our award to the Nigerian Humanists was finally handed out in person in London this year at a GALHA ceremony. See Erato on ILGCN web site)

2. Our Nordic Rainbow Humanist folder is to be reprinted. Suggestions, additions, new photos? As
quickly as possible to Stockholm!

3. 2011: As usual, we will include seminars on “Humanists on the Rainbow Barricades” at the coming
ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) world cultural conference stages:

May 2-14: Ankara/Istanbul (Rolf Solheim from Norway will once again join us with his multi-

media presentation!)

August 28-September 3: Crimea, Ukraine (More detailed information, dates coming)

We are also offering our usual rainbow humanist seminars at Polish pride events: Krakow (May), Warsaw (July) Wroclaw (New!!! - October) and Poznan (November).

Also: 3rd Baltic Pride in Tallinn, Estonia (June). Minsk, Belarus (August).

Sweden: We hope to have rainbow humanist seminars (or include humanism in our seminars on rainbow culture, international solidarity, etc.) at our traditional co-operation with Gothenburg LGBT Festival (May), Eskilstuna Pride (May), Uppsala Pride (September).

Stockholm Pride: We have been informed that a very good group of Swedish humanists are planning a major event at the coming Stockholm Pride!!

(Of course we offer any assistance but are very happy that this takes pressure off us. We have arranged humanist seminars at Pride House and elsewhere in Stockholm over the last few years with very fine response from the audiences and good discussions – often with visiting Nordic Rainbow Humanists from Norway, Iceland, Lithuania, etc.)

(Last year, our humanist seminar at Stockholm Pride House was one of our five Tupilak, ILGCN, NRH, seminars on rainbow culture, international solidarity, history, etc. For 2011, we hope to expand to other subjects such as “Rainbow Flags in Palestine…?” and “Rainbow Flags among the Roma-Sinti…?”)

4. GALHA – we will once again invite our London-based colleagues to join us on the Eastern European barricades as they promised. (A near-future meeting with GALHA…?)

Any Nordic Rainbow Humanist colleagues eager to join us in Sweden, Turkey, Poland, Estonia, Crimea, Belarus, etc. are very welcome. Please get in touch.

Bill Schiller, Nordic Rainbow Humanist international secretary, chairman of Tupilak and secretary
general of the ILGCN Information Secretariat - Stockholm

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Nordic Rainbow Humanists

Nordic Rainbow Humanists

C/O Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers) http://www.tupilak.org/ , ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) Information Secretariat - Stockholm http://www.ilgcn.tupilak.org/ and the Nordic Rainbow Council.



Greetings! The latest information….

1. Nordic Rainbow Humanist Award winner 2010!!??? Suggestions, recommendations as quickly as


(Earlier awards have gone to humanists in Britain, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Romania (which helped launch the Romanian Humanist organization!), Nigeria. Our award to the Nigerian Humanists was finally handed out in person in London this year at a GALHA ceremony. See Erato on ILGCN web site)

2. Our Nordic Rainbow Humanist folder is to be reprinted. Suggestions, additions, new photos? As

quickly as possible to Stockholm!

3. 2011: As usual, we will include seminars on “Humanists on the Rainbow Barricades” at the coming

ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) world cultural conference stages:

May 2-14: Ankara/Istanbul (Rolf Solheim from Norway will once again join us with his multi-

media presentation!)

August 28-September 3: Crimea, Ukraine (More detailed information, dates coming)

We are also offering our usual rainbow humanist seminars at Polish pride events: Krakow (May), Warsaw (July) Wroclaw (New!!! - October) and Poznan (November).

Also: 3rd Baltic Pride in Tallinn, Estonia (June). Minsk, Belarus (August).

Sweden: We hope to have rainbow humanist seminars (or include humanism in our seminars on rainbow culture, international solidarity, etc.) at our traditional co-operation with Gothenburg LGBT Festival (May), Eskilstuna Pride (May), Uppsala Pride (September).

Stockholm Pride: We have been informed that a very good group of Swedish humanists are planning a major event at the coming Stockholm Pride!!

(Of course we offer any assistance but are very happy that this takes pressure off us. We have arranged humanist seminars at Pride House and elsewhere in Stockholm over the last few years with very fine response from the audiences and good discussions – often with visiting Nordic Rainbow Humanists from Norway, Iceland, Lithuania, etc.)

(Last year, our humanist seminar at Stockholm Pride House was one of our five Tupilak, ILGCN, NRH, seminars on rainbow culture, international solidarity, history, etc. For 2011, we hope to expand to other subjects such as “Rainbow Flags in Palestine…?” and “Rainbow Flags among the Roma-Sinti…?”)

4. GALHA – we will once again invite our London-based colleagues to join us on the Eastern European barricades as they promised. (A near-future meeting with GALHA…?)

Any Nordic Rainbow Humanist colleagues eager to join us in Sweden, Turkey, Poland, Estonia, Crimea, Belarus, etc. are very welcome. Please get in touch.

Bill Schiller, Nordic Rainbow Humanist international secretary, chairman of Tupilak and secretary

general of the ILGCN Information Secretariat - Stockholm


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Nordic Rainbow Humanists

Nordic Rainbow Humanists

C/O   Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers) http://www.tupilak.org/ , ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) Information Secretariat - Stockholm     http://www.ilgcn.tupilak.org/  and the Nordic Rainbow Council.

CALLING NORDIC RAINBOW HUMANISTS                               December 16, 2010

Greetings! The latest information….

1. Nordic Rainbow Humanist Award winner 2010!!??? Suggestions, recommendations as quickly as

(Earlier awards have gone to humanists in Britain, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Romania (which helped launch the Romanian Humanist organization!), Nigeria. Our award to the Nigerian Humanists was finally handed out in person in London this year at a GALHA ceremony. See Erato on ILGCN web site)

2. Our Nordic Rainbow Humanist folder is to be reprinted. Suggestions, additions, new photos? As
    quickly as possible to Stockholm!

3. 2011: As usual, we will include seminars on “Humanists on the Rainbow Barricades” at the coming
    ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) world cultural conference stages:

    May 2-14: Ankara/Istanbul (Rolf Solheim from Norway will once again join us with his multi-
                                                                                                                           media presentation!)
     August 28-September 3: Crimea, Ukraine (More detailed information, dates coming)

We are also offering our usual rainbow humanist seminars at Polish pride events: Krakow (May), Warsaw (July) Wroclaw (New!!! - October) and Poznan (November).

Also: 3rd Baltic Pride in Tallinn, Estonia (June). Minsk, Belarus (August).

Sweden: We hope to have rainbow humanist seminars (or include humanism in our seminars on rainbow culture, international solidarity, etc.) at our traditional co-operation with Gothenburg LGBT Festival (May), Eskilstuna Pride (May), Uppsala Pride (September).

Stockholm Pride: We have been informed that a very good group of Swedish humanists are planning a major event at the coming Stockholm Pride!!

(Of course we offer any assistance but are very happy that this takes pressure off us. We have arranged humanist seminars at Pride House and elsewhere in Stockholm over the last few years with very fine response from the audiences and good discussions – often with visiting Nordic Rainbow Humanists from Norway, Iceland, Lithuania, etc.)

(Last year, our humanist seminar at Stockholm Pride House was one of our five Tupilak, ILGCN, NRH, seminars on rainbow culture, international solidarity, history, etc. For 2011, we hope to expand to other subjects such as “Rainbow Flags in Palestine…?” and “Rainbow Flags among the Roma-Sinti…?”)

4. GALHA – we will once again invite our London-based colleagues to join us on the Eastern European barricades as they promised. (A near-future meeting with GALHA…?)

Any Nordic Rainbow Humanist colleagues eager to join us in Sweden, Turkey, Poland, Estonia, Crimea, Belarus, etc. are very welcome. Please get in touch.

Bill Schiller, Nordic Rainbow Humanist international secretary,  chairman of Tupilak and secretary
                                                             general of the ILGCN Information Secretariat - Stockholm 


onsdag 8 december 2010



  KULTURKVÄLL  -- Stockholm


                 Tisdagen, 14 december 2010  från 18.00

    Högkvarteret  Närkesg. 8 (T-ban Medborgarplatsen)



DISKUSSION: "Regnbåger över Palestine...?  Svenska-Palestiniska Samarbete.  Hur störtar vi både ockupationen och patriarkatet?  
Tupilak/ Palestinagrupperna i Sverige



Televiv PornFest 2010, PornFest 2011  -- Zafire Vrba


FILMS: "Ezra Nawi" isreali gay ,fredsaktivist,  "Divine Intervention"

FOTOS: Orlando Boström --  1st Jerusalem Pride    



 Peter  Fröberg 

  Jan Hammarlund
Los Habaneros

                                                                     Jenny Gabrielsson                                                                     



Efter 22.00:
Tupilak Vinter Fest
Pris cermoni.
  Skål till Tupilak's 20 års dag!


Film:  Tupilak cabaret salute to ILGA World Conference – Stockholm, 1990!



Palestinagrupperna i Sverige   
 ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network)





måndag 11 oktober 2010


CALLING TUPILAK Members on both sides of the Baltic Sea on October 10, 2010!:
We're participating in Uppsala Pride November 4-7.  Colleagues from Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Estonia and elsewhere will join us. Who else wants to join us...?
We're receiving colleagues from Belarus in Stockholm on November 11, 2010 (see below).at the PositHIVa gruppen's local.   Who wants to work with us and join us on the stage, in art work, in seminars, etc...?
We're working together with the Swedish Palestine Group for a joint "Human Rights and Rainbow Culture Evening" at Högvakt club local in Stockhom in December.  Who wants to help out ... to join us...?
Tupilak will join ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) at an international LGBT cultural conference/festival in Istanbul next May.  Who wants to join us...?
There are still funds available from the Swedish state support for LGBT organizations.  Do you have a project in mind..?  Preferably outside of the Stockholm area!  Get back to us as soon as you can.
We're lighting candles for the threatened Belgrade Pride October 10th and the Algerian LGBT National day on October 10.  Light a candle and send your thoughts abroad!
Bill Schiller, chairman of Tupilak, Nordic rainbow cultural workers
Tupilak and the Nordic-Baltic-Polish-Belarus-Russian Network invite you to a
(in English and Swedish).
 Thursday, November 11, 2010    18.00- 21.00 at the PositHIVa gruppens Locale on Tjurbergsgatan 2
        (T-ban Skanstull) Stockholm)

with Igor --  Belarus LGBT activist/ language student/ dancer, photo exhibition by Vlad Urzov of  Belarus, performance by  Zafire Vrba of Sweden, report from Swedish-Belarus LGBT Culture Conference in  Minsk (September, 2010  and supported by the Swedish Institute) by  Bill Schiller of Tupilak and more.

Would you like to join us and say some words about your organization's work and interest in Belarus or Eastern Europe or ...?

Shall I add your name to the speaker's list and the internet poster...?

Hoping to hear from you soon!

Bill Schiller of Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers) and the Nordic network

fredag 17 september 2010

Tupilakers and friends!

Hello Tupilakers and friends!

Join us for a brief Tupilak award ceremony and *skål* honoring
Sweden*s THOMAS HAMMARBERG , Council of Europe*s human rights
commissioner, for his strong support of LGBT rights in Europe.

HALLONGROTTAN   Bergsundsgatan 25
  (tel. 658 1320) (T-bana Hornstull) Stockholm

Saturday, September 18, 2010   18.00 

Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers).

(Note: Hammarberg shares the 2010 Bifrost award (bridge-building
between LGBT and heterosexual communities) with Wojciech Filemonowicz,
chairman of SDPL (Socjaldemokracja Polska - Social Democratic Party of
Poland) , the only Polish political party which openly supports LGBT
events including Warsaw Europride 2010.  He received his award diploma
during Europride in the Polish capital.)      

Hej Tupilaker och vänner!

Vi bjudar er till en kort Tupilak *Bifrost* pris ceremoni och
*skål* för svensken Thomas Hammarberg, Europarådets representant
för mänskliga rättigheter.

HALLONGROTTAN   Bergsundsgatan 25 
September 18, 2010   18.00  
   (tel. 658 1320) (T-bana Hornstull) Stockholm)

Tupilak (regnbågskulturarbetare i Norden)

tisdag 4 maj 2010

Re: Leaving the steering commity

Dear Peter,

It is sad to hear that. I wish you the best in your future.
Rev. Szymon Niemiec

2010/5/4 news@tupilak.org <news@tupilak.org>
 Hi, all,
I am sorry to say that, no matter how much I look, I don't seem to find the time.
I am leaving Tupilak as a steering comity member  as from today 4 of maj 2010 (I still be there as ordinary member) and wish you all good luck in your future.  Tupilaks commitments and all the good events that are coming up are worthwhile following and you can be sure that I will.
Good luck to you all and I will see you in the future.

Leaving the steering commity

 Hi, all,
I am sorry to say that, no matter how much I look, I don't seem to find the time.
I am leaving Tupilak as a steering comity member  as from today 4 of maj 2010 (I still be there as ordinary member) and wish you all good luck in your future.  Tupilaks commitments and all the good events that are coming up are worthwhile following and you can be sure that I will.
Good luck to you all and I will see you in the future.

måndag 8 mars 2010


Hej Tupilak medlemmar!!
Ett kort ÅRSMÖTE  24 mars, 2010    19.00 -20.00!!! .
Nytt blod behövs för den nya styrelsen.  Vill du vara med*?
Bergsundsgatan 25   (T-bana   Hornstull)  Stockholm)
Verksamhets år 2009.
Ekonomiska redovisning.
Val av nya styrelsen!
Verksamhetsplaner för 2010!
Har du förslag till nya projekt i Sverige?  Norden. ?  Med kollegor i Öst Europa?
Förslag till vinnare av Tupilaks årliga pris diplom..?
Bill Schiller, ordförande