måndag 14 maj 2012

Tupilak events May 2012


Tupilak's co-operation partner, UN Women, invites Tupilak members to an exciting meeting with veteran Egyptian writer Nawal El Saadawi -- winner of this year's Stig Dagerman award and participant in the Cairo street battles for a new Egypt.

    Monday, May 14   19:00-21:00   Södra Teatern  (Stora Scenen  T-bana Slussen)  Stockholm
ILGCN Information Secretariat - Stockholm                   
                                                   and Danish partner 

invite Tupilak members and friends to a
                                Thursday, May 17 18.00-19.00 salute to:

IDAHO (international day against homophobia) Day
at Stockholm bar, 
Side Track Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 7 t-bana Mariatorget.   Info: www.ilgcn.tupilak.org.

tisdag 24 april 2012

Nordic Fire, stage 2

Dear members and supporters of Tupilak!
The time has come for the Rainbow Festival NORDIC FIRE, stage 2 in Stockholm Sweden!

2nd Nordic Fire on the Rainbow Barricades of Eastern Europe -- a mini-festival between Stockholm Prides:

Spotlight on Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Russia and Belarus:

Preliminary  program:

Wednesday,   May 2       Study visit to the Gay Pensioners   RFSL House, Sveavägen 59   T-bana Rådmansgatan  14.30 

Wednesday, May 2         Nordic Fire -- Open House    discussions, art, films  at  RFSL House  18.00- 20.00   

Thursday, May 3:   "inauguration  skål" at Side Track  Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 7 T-bana Mariatorget, 18.00  

Friday, May 4    Discussions at Civil Rights Defenders  Stora Nygata 26   T-bana Gamla Stan  12.00-14.00

Saturday, May 5      Discussions, study visit   PositHIVa gruppen Tjurbergsgatan 29, T-bana Skanstull    12.00-13.00

Saturday, May 5     Discussions, films, music    Moonnbow Cultural Center   -- Runmarö, archipelago island  15.00 

Sunday, May 6     "Goodbye skål"   -- gay venue, to be announced   18.00

Stockholm May 2-6 Salute to Eastern European Colleagues              

2nd NORDIC FIRE on the Rainbow Barricades 

     Stockholm – A second Nordic rainbow mini-festival between Stockholm Prides will take place in the Swedish capital May 2-6, 2012 – this time highlighting Swedish and other Nordic co-operation with colleagues in Estonia just across the Baltic Sea, Latvia organizing the 4th  Baltic Pride at the end of May, Poland making progress on the LGBT front, Belarus facing harsher conditions under the toughening dictatorship and Russia with new legislation banning positive information on LGBT rights and culture. ´


   Joining the event will be visiting colleagues from the target nations and  journalists, experts and human rights people in Sweden working with international solidarity," says Bill Schiller of Tupilak (Nordic rainbow cultural workers) and the ILGCN Information Secretariat in Stockholm.   "The aim is to see how we can increase co-operation, expand this over barriers, and learn from the courageous and inspiring human rights struggle of our colleagues in the east."

    Another aim is to see how rainbow culture— through  art, photos, music, films and performance – support the LGBT battle for visibility and international co-operation – especially in the face of growing hostility, censorship and violence.

lördag 17 mars 2012


Hi Tupilakers! I got the month wrong - sorry!

The yearly meeting if the 18/4, not in March as I made the mistake to announce before. 

See you in April!

Hello and welcome to Tupilak's yearly meeting! 

When: 18/4 2012 at 19:00
Where: At Tomas Woodski's home, Kronobergsgatan 18, door code 1677, Fridhemsplan, Stockholm

I hope to see you there!
Warm greetings

Zafire Vrba


  1. Årsmötet öppnas

  2. Val av funktionärer för mötet: Mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och protokolljusterare

  3. Närvarande

  4. Godkännande av kallelse (inbjudan till årsmötet)

  5. Beslut om dagordning

  6. Genomgång av verksamhetsberättelsen

  7. Beslut om bokslut för 2010 (ekonomisk redovisning)

  8. Revisionsberättelse

  9. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen

  10. Beslut om antagande av nya stadgar

  11. Val av föreningsstyrelse för 2012-13

  12. Beslut om firmateckning

  13. Val av minst en myndig revisor samt en ersättare

  14. Val av medlemsregisteransvarig

  15. Beslut om verksamhetsplan och budget för 2012-13

  16. Propositioner

  17. Motioner

  18. Val av valberedning för nästa år

  19. Beslut om medlemsavgift för 2012

  20. Övriga frågor

  21. Mötet avslutas

torsdag 15 mars 2012


Hello and welcome to Tupilak's yearly meeting! 

When: 18/3 2012 at 19:00
Where: At Tomas Woodski's home, Kronobergsgatan 18, door code 1677, Fridhemsplan, Stockholm

I hope to see you there!
Warm greetings

Zafire Vrba


  1. Årsmötet öppnas

  2. Val av funktionärer för mötet: Mötesordförande, mötessekreterare och protokolljusterare

  3. Närvarande

  4. Godkännande av kallelse (inbjudan till årsmötet)

  5. Beslut om dagordning

  6. Genomgång av verksamhetsberättelsen

  7. Beslut om bokslut för 2010 (ekonomisk redovisning)

  8. Revisionsberättelse

  9. Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen

  10. Beslut om antagande av nya stadgar

  11. Val av föreningsstyrelse för 2012-13

  12. Beslut om firmateckning

  13. Val av minst en myndig revisor samt en ersättare

  14. Val av medlemsregisteransvarig

  15. Beslut om verksamhetsplan och budget för 2012-13

  16. Propositioner

  17. Motioner

  18. Val av valberedning för nästa år

  19. Beslut om medlemsavgift för 2012

  20. Övriga frågor

  21. Mötet avslutas

torsdag 16 februari 2012



Tupilak at  på Bergsundsgatan 25 (tel. 658 1320) 

                                                         (Metro Hornstull) Stockholm


KULTURAFTON/Cultural Afternoon

Gäst presentation, konst, foto, film, utländska gäster, information om framtidsprojekt och internationella samarbete…   


                OBS!  Note! February 19, 2012  (17.00 - 20.00)

 Swedish delegation in Riga (Photo by Sayeed of Sweden)

Report from Tupilak/ILGCN Cruise to Riga (February 6-8, 2012) & 4th Baltic Pride - Riga (end of May)

Report från HBT Seniorerna, Göteborg -- Bill Schiller

Tupilak at the Nordic LGBT Workplace Forum & Career Fair -- Stockholm  2-3 August, 2012     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                gbt- http://nordic-lworkplace.org

  Gay Art from Serbia -- Aleksandar 

Lesbian art from Belarus -- L. Mosolova

Performance: The Mad Monk -- "The Wrinklies & the Reluctant Reaper"


Films:  "Green Autumn,"  "Tupilak delegation to Kiev, 2011" – Willi Reichhold 


 Supported by: ILGCN (International Lesbian & Gay Cultural Network) Information Secretariat-Stockholm                         

                                                                                                                                      www.ilgcn.tupilak.org      www.tupilak.org

Nordic Rainbow Council

Nordic Rainbow Humanists 

ROHS (Riksorganisationen HBT-solidaritet) (Swedish National LGBT Solidarity Organization) 


lördag 28 januari 2012

Tupilak calling!

Hi dear members and supporters,
some news from our International secretary:

Summer meeting and a winter cruise! 

1. STOCKHOLM MEETING with BECKY STECKHAHN-STROHMER of Denmark (and her partner!).  She is the CEO of the 1st Nordic LGBT Work Place and Career Fair -- Stockhlommässan,  August 2-3, 2012  (which has invited in Tupilak and its art work as a participant!) on Sunday, February 5th.     
Join us in the evening for drinks and a chat!
2. TUPILAK SOLIDARITY CRUISE from Stockhoholm to RIGA on Monday, FEBRUARY 6TH (See website!).  JOIN US?
Contact Bill Schiller, international secretary    bill@tupilak.org  

måndag 12 december 2011

Olena Shevchenko (far left) in Kiev (Photo by Willi Reichhold)

Special input from Ukraine and Hungary

1st Nordic Fire in Stockholm Salutes Eastern Europeans

Stockholm -- The first Nordic Fire on Eastern European Rainbow Barricades took place in the Swedish capital November 25-27, 2011 with invited guests from Ukraine and Hungary as well as presentations on LGBT situations in Belgrade, Minsk, Riga, Helsinki and Bucharest.

"We are fighting against the same law proposal against positive information about homosexuality now spreading to more Russian provinces," says Olena Shevchenko of the women's organization, Insight - Kiev, new ILGCN (international rainbow cultural network) cultural ambassador from Ukraine.

Folk and classic music, song, and dance was provided at several of the festival venues by Tamás Lovas, Károly Varga and Sándor Fehér of the Continuo Trio of Budapest, the ILGCN cltural ambassadors of Hungary.

"We are working with LGBT groups in St. Petersburg and in the Balkans, and hope more Helsinki Human Rights Committees in other countries will join us in work with LGBT human rights," says Peter Öholm of Civil Rights Defenders (formally the Swedish Helsinki Human Rights Committee).

Tupilak and ILGCN awards for Swede, Poles

At the Nordic Fire session at the CRD offices in the Stockholm Gamla Stan island, Swedish Liberal Party parliamentarian Barbro Westerholm received the annual Tupilak "Bifrost" awards honoring heterosexual bridge-builders uniting the LGBT and the heterosexual communities both in Sweden and abroad.

The Polish Institute - Stockholm received the annual ILGCN "rainbow iceberg" award for promoting Polish and Swedish LGBT cultural exchange and for bringing Polish LGBT women and men to different Swedish Pride events and for promoting Polish and international art exhibitions and publications.

"Thanks for this fine award. This appreciation for our work with this fanatic and moving motivation really means a lot to us," says Michal Piotrowski, project leader at the Polish Institute.

Also at the CRD, Bill Schiller described the long history of Tupilak & ILGCN involvement with Eastern European colleagues and the emphasis on mutual exchange. "We were very impressed with the mutual interaction of LGBT groups in the Ukraine and Belarus with our Swedish groups," says Schiller over the recent 3-nation meetings in Kiev and Minsk made possible with support from the Swedish Institute -- the official body promoting international co-operation.

RFSL chairperson Ulrika Westerlund also described the national Swedish LGBT organization's extensive international work with the Baltic states, Uganda and elsewhere, "The situation in Latvia is hardly easy and even those few open LGBT activists don't get much support from often very critical LGBT colleagues," says Kjell Rindar, former RFSL chairman and teacher at Latvian universities.

"We are very happy to have had the financial support of ROHS (Swedish national LGBT solidarity organization) to make this min-festival "between" Stockholm Prides possible," says Bill Schiller, international secretary of Tupilak (Nordic rainbows cultural workers) and secretary general of the ILGCN's Information Secretariat in Stockholm.

Alexander L. described the turbulent situation and extensive homophobia Serbian. (Belgrade is to be the site of one of the stages of next year's ILGCN world conference, along with Rio de Janeiro and the Crimean town of Seimiz.) while Finnish photographer Jussi Jässkeläinen described his work with Bucharest and Helsinki Prides.

Films, Music, Photography, Discussions at Posithivagruppen

"We are pleased to have another Tupilak event at our premises," states Ola Ståhle of the Posithivagruppen (HIV positive men having sex with men) office, and we are happy to have colleagues from the Baltic states at our summer camps and hope to join in future Tupilak and ILGCN exchanges in Eastern Europe."

Films by Swedish Tupilak member Willi Reichhold described the recent Swedish-Ukrainian-Belarus solidarity visit to Kiev, the summer inauguration ceremony in Visby of the first Nordic LGBT monument on the shoreline of the Swedish Baltic island of Gotland and the "global survival" journey of plants and human beings in harsh conditions around the world.

Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and Icelandic and Eastern European works from the Tupilak & ILGCN Travelling Art & Photography Exhibition were displayed at all the festival venues, including new photo series from Belarus and the Ukraine, and LGBT CD music from Poland and the Nordic nations were played at festival venues as well.

Other foreign visitors taking part in discussions at the CRD office, the Bio Rio, Posithivagruppen and the LGBT cultural center Hallongrottan came from Norway, Finland, Kenya and Somalia.

Next stop: Estonia, Russia, Belarus

"We hope the next Nordic Fire festival in Stockholm at the end of next March will focus on Swedish and Nordic LGBT co-operation with Estonia, Russia and Belarus," concludes Bill Schiller. "Once again we'll ask our Tupilak colleagues and the national LGBT organizations in the Nordic region to join us. We hope the Nordic Fire festival can be duplicated elsewhere in the Nordic region -- and we'll discuss this at coming Nordic-Baltic-Polish-Russian-Belarus Rainbow Network meetings coming up in Stockholm and other Nordic capitals during 2012."